Tuesday 14 May 2019


Google is investing heavily to be the best in the market. SEOs all around the world are trying to adapt to the changes that will follow. Let’s look at these trends that will make a difference in 2019.
SEO, trending, booming sar media, IT Company, what is SEO

Mobile-first indexing

Mobile First Indexing, Sar Media, SEO, Trends
To be precise, mobile first indexing means that Google is using the mobile version of your page for its ranking and indexing once the site’s migrated. The process has implemented since March 2018, and the term does not mean “mobile-only. There is a single index with both the desktop and mobile version.

2.      Page speed

SEO trends, Page speed, sarmedia

Google's crazy about delivering the best UX and delivering it very fast. The loading time of a page has been a ranking factor for Google for a while. Google evaluated a site on the basis of technical parameters and graded it according to two different metrics: Optimization and, and the page speed.

3.      Brand as a ranking signal
Google has now started using online brand mentions in its search algorithms. And it uses it as two ways ranking signal. In the first way, the search engine will learn that your brand or website is an entity. In a second way, the context of the website matters, its trustworthiness, advertising, complaint solving, etc.

4.      GDPR
GDPR, general data protection regulation

GDPR is basically the General Data Protection Regulation passed by the EU. GDPR is the data of the user which is stored by the company in their database. Google also introduces changes into its analytics from now onwards all the personal data collected by the company through Google will automatically expire after 26 months since it was collected.

5.      Amazon search
Amazon search, google product, Ecommerce, Optimization

No don’t take me wrong, Amazon is not a universal search engine like google. It’s just an algorithm used for the internal search within Amazon pages. Amazon is now becoming Google of e-commerce. Thus if you are a seller you should include optimization for Amazon as your SEO strategy.
These are few such trends of SEO that are booming in 2019. If you want to optimize your product then you should include these SEO trends in your SEO strategy.

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